

Release Notes



FixFixed a bug pertaining to embedding images.


FixFixed a bug pertaining to incorrect positioning of pages in the sidebar after a specific sequence of dragging and dropping.
FixFixed a bug pertaining to loading of legacy wikis.


NewSearch is now available.
NewWiki pages can now be organized into folders.
NewImages can now be resized.
NewThe sidebar is now fixed width.
NewThe sidebar wiki title now displays the entire wiki filename on mouseover.
NewThe sidebar page titles and previews now show their full titles on mouseover.
FixFixed an issue related to image deletion.
FixFixed an issue related to canceling of new wiki creation.
FixFixed an issue related to importing from a legacy Scribbleton wiki.
FixFixed the layout of the title in the sidebar toolbar.
FixFixed the layout of the page titles and previews in the sidebar.
FixFixed am issue related to saving of links to pages.


NewPages in the sidebar can now be reordered with drag & drop.
FixFixed an issue with link creation.


NewEntire wikis can now be protected with a password.
NewIndividual wiki pages can now be protected with a password.
NewImproved data storage mechanism.
NewImproved responsiveness of the UI.


NewRedesigned foundational framework, improving application stability.


NewImages can now be dragged and dropped into the wiki.
FixImproved the usability of several UI elements.


NewAdded inline image support.
NewAdded support for OS X Yosemite.
NewOn a Mac, the close button now sends the application to the dock instead of terminating it.
NewOptimized wiki database structure, improving application performance.
FixImproved the layout and formatting of the page preview panel.
FixImproved usability of the 'rename page' popup.
FixAddressed 'ordinal error 4430'.
FixRemoved links to internal pages when exporting a single page as HTML.
FixFixed a bug where wikis exported as HTML had broken links between internal pages.
FixFixed a bug where wikis exported as HTML were not exporting their latest content in some pages.

1.1.0 - alpha

NewAdded 'recently-opened wiki files' to the menu.
NewAutomatically reopen last opened wiki on startup.
NewAdded keyboard shortcuts.
NewAdded undo/redo.
NewAdded copycut/paste/select all.
NewRestore previous window size and position.
NewExport page as HTML.
NewExport page as Text.
NewExport wiki as HTML.
NewExport wiki as Text.
NewSupport for Retina displays.
FixA formatting action no longer forces the cursor to return to the beginning of the document.
FixFixed an OS X issue whereby open/new dialogs were being dismissed during a database sync.
FixFixed an OS X issue whereby bold text wasn't being displayed as bold.
FixAppend the .scribbleton extension automatically to saved wiki files, if one isn't set.

1.0.1 - alpha

NewRemoved unregistered version limitations for the duration of the alpha.
NewIntroduced a blank state page allowing for the creation of a new wiki or loading of an existing wiki.
FixChanged the layout of several menu entries.
FixFixed single-word selection expansion on Linux.

1.0.0 - alpha

NewInitial public release.